Class 1

Class 1 Medical

The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority’s Class 1 medical certificate is the most rigorous of all clearances.

Flying commercially in transport and passenger aircrafts are a privilege and a huge responsibility.

You have to be medically fit to ensure the safety of your plane, crew, passengers and cargo.

Class 1 Medical Clearance

What licence categories
are covered by Class 1?

Medical clearances for the following licences are valid for one year however may have additional conditions or restrictions, depending on individual circumstances:

  • Air Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL)
  • Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)
  • Multi-crew Pilot (aeroplane) Licence (MPL)
  • Flight Engineer Licence or Student Flight Engineer Licence

What are the
medical requirements?

For a Class 1 medical clearance, the following tests are required:

  • Bloods (At initial application and every 5th and 10th birthday, eg. 25, 30 years etc)
  • ECG (At initial application, at 25th and 30th birthday, every 2 years until 40 years and annually thereafter)
  • Audiology (At initial application and every 5th and 10th birthday, eg. 25, 30 years etc)
  • Ophthalmology (At initial application and every 2 years after the age of 60 years)


Aviation Medical Examination
Weekend, evening or rural surcharge
CASA blood tests

All prices include GST

Please note, where complexities are identified that cannot be completed within the standard consultation, these will be charged at an hourly rate of $440/hr